The Little Tigress

The Little Tigress

Friday 3 April 2015

C is for catch

We Caught the rain today! Quite literally. Dad and me set out to go for our loan pending walk in the neighbourhood and it was quite warm. In fact so warm that I was wearing jeans. As we proceeded on our dialysis ritual to inspect our spots in the street and reach our milk vendor's shop, plop it came down. A big rain drop.

I love rains and love playing with mom in them and get wet. Unlike many parents mine let me get wet :) So plop it came down and dad looked slightly worried as we were quite far from home and were planning to go to a mall for some window shopping and juice for me. Still we went ahead and were waiting for auto when it started to blow really strong and power went off. The leaves from all the trees started playing with the wind and little tiny drops of rain started splattering on me and all around. This was a new experience and I started playing. So we cancelled the trip and started playing in the drops. We also started walking back home and traced our steps back just in time when it started to pour. I went to the balcony and still played for a long time. Did you catch the rain today? Simple things help you learn and appreciate what we usually take for granted :)

#TheLittleTigress #AtoZChallenge

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