The Little Tigress
Wednesday, 25 December 2013
Tuesday, 17 December 2013
I bite. Good night.
I am very energetic and have loads of fun since the last two days. I am starting to demand more from mom and dad. Mom is exhausted, dad is tired from work. Last night I kicked, scratched and bit dad and coerced him to play with me. He was too sleepy and tired but he managed to spend a couple of hours. Mom on the other hand is digging deep into her supply of sleeplessness and is still smiling :) They are scared I will fall down from the cot, so we are all sleeping on the floor with a couple of extra mattresses, which mean I have more play area!
Guess they don't need to exercise any more as I am there to make them run, tire and be on the tenterhooks all day. Okay now I played all night and now is the time to rest and get my beauty sleep.
Today after I bite, and I like it. Now I sleep. Good night.
Tuesday, 10 December 2013
The little biscuiteer
I am growing up well. The best part is that I have my mom guarding me all the time. She is an expert researcher when it comes deciding on what is good and what is not. Now that I am almost a year old, she is allowing me to nibble more finger foods. Because I somehow don't like sweet dishes (Yep, I love spices), she is trying to acclimatize me to them :)
I have four teeth now and I am a great nibbler. I can trim off biscuits, spoons, plates and whatever I manage to find in my way. Mom couldn't stop laughing when she saw me nibbling at the biscuit and dad knighted me The Little Biscuiteer!
Do you kids love biscuits? What do they like to nibble?
Monday, 9 December 2013
Wrestling with daddy and he is losing :)
Not that he allows me to win. I put up a real good fight. If I feel I am losing or he is dominating, I get ready to bite him and he loses!
Now back to fighting. You guys go to sleep. Good night.
Yeeeeeeeaaahhh BHISKhannnnn.
Sunday, 8 December 2013
One two one
I love ads. I am sure all the kids my age do. I developed a special liking to few ads and Idea's 121 is one of them. I love the tapping music and the simple moves and the universality of the message. But the most fun part is when dad and mom help me do it. I love 121.
What ads do you like? What about your kids?
Saturday, 7 December 2013
My own post
fsdfjsdnjfnbm,.mnb vbkjlmn
That is what happens if you leave the blogger page open on the ipad. See I am a better blogger than my mom and dad. This is my diary entry for today. Hope you like it.
Friday, 6 December 2013
Mom was successful in keeping me away from Wheat. She wanted to feed me wheat only when I turn one.

She was worried, took me in hands, rushed to kitchen and gave me water to drink. She was scared that I would choke. She threw the biscuit in the bin. I got angry and asked her to give me back. She understands my language well. She felt bad looking at me, said 'sorry' and gave me another biscuit with bonus including a hug and a kiss :-) .
This time she sat next to me with a glass of water and her mobile camera in hand. Dad was missing that moment. She wanted to capture.
I ate the biscuit and I liked the taste. I had almost half of it. I started feeling wheatish ( you know what I mean ;-) ). After having some more water and getting back to work with my toys , I could see a sigh of relief on mamma's face. She kissed me and said I'm a big girl now :)
With this my WHEATING ceremony was over. Because I ate wheat mom made some Upma for me this noon and I enjoyed it too. Yeyyy...!!! some more new varieties added to my menu.
I am now waiting to taste that Vermicelli payasam which dad loves. .
Would you suggest mom some wheat recipes please?
Wednesday, 4 December 2013
Monday, 2 December 2013
This word scares mom.I am away from all products that contain Gluten, specially Wheat.
Mom says wheat is listed in the“Big Eight” of food allergies and contains 'Gluten' a protein which causes some allergies .
Mom tried getting some gluten free biscuits but she wasn't comfortable with the quality.
I am eager to wait to taste some Cakes, Biscuits and that Vermicelli payasam which mom makes for Dad.
I always heard him saying " Fantastic " after tasting it.
When he tries to feed me some, mom screams "NO....!" wait for few more days pleeeaaaase.
Just a month to go and I can enjoy Wheat and Oats. Yeyyyy!!!!
Do you feed wheat to your babies? When did you start giving them wheat?
Why don't you tell my mom that it's ok to give me those Marie biscuits and Parle G?
Monday, 25 November 2013
The parenting advice
“Every child should have mud pies, grasshoppers, water bugs, tadpoles, frogs, mudturtles, elderberries, wild strawberries, acorns, chestnuts, trees to climb. Brooks to wade,water lilies, woodchucks, bats, bees, butterflies, various animals to pet, hayfields, pine-cones, rocks to roll, sand, snakes, huckleberries and hornets. And any child who has been deprived of these has been deprived of the best part of education.”
— Luther Burban
Sunday, 24 November 2013
A - B - C - D - E - F - G...
A - B - C - D - E - F - G
H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P
Q - R - S - T - U - V,
W - X - Y and Z
Now I know my A - B - C's
Next time won't you sing with me?
Mom sings it while I touch, point out the letters, clap and smile.
This alphabet poster is my favorite for last seven months.
I was / am never forced to learn these. Mom and Dad say my learning should be full of fun and play but not of force.
This was kept along with another colorful chart for my visual stimulation. I fell in love with this chart from day I saw it more than the colorful one which is good too. 'V' is a special letter as my dad's name starts with it :-) .
Friday, 22 November 2013
Dad is busy with work these days. I am afraid he is not able to spend more time with me. I love when he is home. Now mom does put in a lot more effort to compensate. But I miss my playtime with dad and fighting with him. Now that I have learnt how to wave good bye and kiss him and send him off to work, he misses me too.
Looking forward to fighting and playing with you dad.
Hugs, kicks and kisses.
Your little tigress.
Thursday, 21 November 2013
Soup time
Mom makes different soups for me to enjoy. Tomato, Carrot, Spinach, Mutton, Chicken, Beans, Mixed vegetable, Broccoli, Red gram, Moong dal -Carrot soup and many more. I am sharing just a simple one here. Cauliflower and Carrot soup. It tasted yummy. This is the first time I had Cauliflower and I liked it.
You want to know how mom made it? Here is the recipe. If you have small kids like me, try making and feeding this soup to your baby. I am sure she/ he will like it. When you make it, please share your lil one's experience.
Carrot 4 medium sized cored and cubed. (do not add center yellow part of the carrot)
Onion half of a small one ( Mom uses shallots)
Garlic clove 1
Butter just a little
Salt to taste
Cumin powder a pinch
2 small glasses of water
Preparation method:
Heat a pan, add a small cube of butter. Once it heats up add mashed garlic clove and finely chopped onions.Saute them till onions turn pink to translucent.Add cleaned and blanched cauliflower and carrot cubes and saute for 3 minutes.Add some salt and water and bring it to boil. Once veggies are boiled, remove from heat, blend the veggies / mash them. Strain and here you go to taste the yummy yummy soup.
P.S. That nice yellow color is due to boiled carrots. Mom hasn't added any turmeric or food colour to it :)
Sunday, 17 November 2013
The bump and tears
Mom rushed to pick me up even before I realized that I fell. Then I understood I fell and the pain hit and I started crying. Oops! You know I am a brave girl and I don't at all cry and am always smiling. In fact, I am called smiley baby :) So after a lot of comforting and lovely massaging by mom, I realized that mom and dad also were tearing up! As this is my first fall and bump, we thought we would make it memorable and remember the 17th!
Thank you for your love. The pain is gone and I am fine now. Mom and dad are going to get foam mat for me to fall :) Will post pics soon.
Good nite!
Saturday, 16 November 2013
Traditional Knowledge, Natural Growth and what not!
Ayurveda, the ancient Indian system of treatment, works on the perception that materials that can be extracted from vegetables, plants and roots having some medicinal value. This perception and the details of the treatment process have been well documented in ancient texts.

Now even before I was born, my parents were on the lookout for organic things they can use for me. Nothing chemical, artificial for me! One of the products they trust and use for massaging is Dabur Lal Tail.
It is very helpful if you massage your kid as it would help in relaxation and encourages a healthy lifestyle and bonding for the baby as well as the parents. It can assist children and infants in achieving age-appropriate gross motor skills.
Massaging neonates and infants has been an important component of infant rearing in many traditions and has been practiced globally over the years. The practice of neonatal massage has gained recent favor in many neonatal care units in developed countries. Recent evidence from human and animal studies suggests that topical application of certain oils may improve skin barrier function, resulting in a number of potential benefits to neonatal health.
Dabur Lal Tail developed by Dabur India Limited contains all natural ingredients like Till Tail, Ratanjyot, Shankha Pushpi, Camphor and Urad. As per the literature, Till Tail or Sesame Oil improves growth and post-massage sleep, Ratanjyot protects against skin infection, Shankha Pushpi cures general weakness, Camphor improves blood circulation and Urad nourishes muscles & bones.
Dabur is currently the 4th largest company in the Indian consumer goods market. In several categories, our brands like Chyawanprash, Real Juices, Dabur Amla Hair Oil, Hajmola, Dabur Honey, Hommade Pastes are market leaders. Best of all Dabu's Lal tail is clinically tested. I am glad that the product is available in the market and is very trusted.
This article is written for the contest “Traditional Knowledge, Natural Growth” at IndiBlogger.
Friday, 15 November 2013
Shadow Show
Do you play this game with your parents?
Image is from here.
Monday, 11 November 2013
World's best fish curry
Nanamma and tatayya(Granny and granpa) have come to see me after a long time. Did I tell you that I am named after her? She is an amazing cook and she used to send amazing food snacks to mom for me. I was in tummy so all mom eat I yanjayaeeed!
Nanamma makes the world's best fish curry. Hands down. She loves to make it spicy like dad likes it but now tones it down to match my palate. I loved the fish and relished it. We played a lot of games and had loads of fun. I will tell you more details soon.
What is your favorite food item?
Thursday, 7 November 2013
Shower time
Mom gives me tub bath and dad Shower. I love shower bath. I love playing with shower of water and I love the sound it makes.If mom gets me in to the tub for bath I look around for dad and if I don't see them take me to the shower, I show the shower :) Mom can't stop laughing. She tells me I am so expressive and I know how to get my things. I love water and mom has taught me not to drink bathwater :)
Just after the bath mom and dad let me play a lot in water. Once I am tired playing with my bath buddies and become drowsy, mom takes me out, dabs me dry and then puts me to sleep. I sleep well after a hot and cold water bath.
What do you like? Bath tub or shower?
Saturday, 2 November 2013
Shopping Shopping
Mom and Dad bought me winter wear.
How many? Cho many... Cho many means 20 dresses.
Ask me "Colours, Colours what colours"?
Mint and Blue
Yellow and Red
Green and Brown
Orange and White
Some plain, some stripes and some flowery,
Some sober , some flashy aaaaand I'm lucky !
Are you all ready for winter? I am ready.
Wednesday, 30 October 2013
Growing up - healthy options
First of all we have to learn a lot of things. We are almost a clean slate when we come, don't we? Now there are too many things happening all around and we have to just jump in and learn a lot in a short while before we can run this race and be a part of this amazing world. When you sit back and look at it, it is like boarding a running train. That too a super fast train and all you get is just a short while to look at it. God this is a tough job.
Okay while we are learning and training ourselves to take on this world, we are bothered by diseases and germs and what not. Now I am in good hands as mom and dad believe in alternative medicine and also that I should earn immunity(not the one like a pin on masterchef) but real immunity to strengthen myself and be ready to kick all diseases on my own with very little medication. I am not forced to take any medicines except for few drops of colpol and colic that too when I was too sick and weak when I was a little kid. Yep! I am all grown up now and am all of nine months :) No I am sorry, you will have to wait for my recent pics for a little more longer.
I am also a member of this wonderful community in India called the Indiblogger where we have a special posting for Dabur Chyawanprakash. Dabur is one of the few brands that are consistent;ly used in our home: Dabur laltail and dabur dantmanjan are almost used dialy :) Coming back to this topic... Considered safe for consumption from over three years of age, this semi-solid health tonic promises three times more immunity and fights weakness, cough, cold and disease causing germs by building up your immunity. Now you know that I can't read all the information on their website. So I tried to summarize all the important points here:
- Dabur is the first branded Chyawanprash in the country
- It is the highest selling Chyawanprash with more than 60% market share
- It is scientifically proven to provide 3 times more immunity that helps fight virus, flu and infections
- Dabur Chyawanprash has been consistently voted as the power brand of the country and is a trusted remedy for cough and cold for a majority of Indian household.
- It has been endorsed by celebrities like Sreeram lagoo, Amitabh Bachchan, Vivek oberoi, Virender Sehwag and now MS Dhoni
- Has a sugar free variant for calorie conscious people
- It is also available in 2 new exciting flavours Orange and Mango
- It contains natural Ayurvedic ingredients, which are being consumed safely for ages.

Wednesday, 23 October 2013
Leg control
I am attracted to the red backlighting on the panel and love fiddling with the controls. Mom gingerly holds me tight while dad loves me handling the controls like a professional DJ :)
What about your kids? Do they fiddle with your car controls too?
Wednesday, 16 October 2013
Why I hate Ranbir Kapoor
Look at this ad for example. He does act well and the ad is simple but some how it moves me to tears. Mom observed this first and then found out I don't like him at all :( Why? I don't know. I am too small to think about those things :) Okay from now on when this ad comes on tv, dad and mom jump to grab the remote and change the ad :)
Monday, 14 October 2013
Kicking fever
Woke up restless with high temperature today. Mom is shocked, dad is worried. But you know what I am cool. I sang them nice songs and fought with dad to ease the tension off.
Dad complains that I scratch, kick and maul him a lot. But you know I am just warming up and he loves it :) Dad prayed for me and told nanamma to pray too.
I am hoping I will get well by evening. Pray for me. Love you all. Now back to kicking dad :) Yeeeeeeyyy dishkaunnnnn.....
Sunday, 13 October 2013
Visit to grandpas
We went to church today. I am glad we got to go to central service. We saw Ashish uncle preaching on what is Freedom and how God sets to forgive and gives you freedom. I wore a super awesome pink pillow case dress and I was looking stunning. I prayed and spoke to grandpa(of course he understands me). I asked for grace, peace, love, health and a lot of toys and chocolates.
I tried to have tea but mom didn't allow me. Once we came back, I played a lot and dad gave me some ice cream(at room temperature) and I loved it. Not really hungry these days but am sleeping well. Looking forward to a time when we go to Central every week to worship the Lord.
God bless.
Friday, 11 October 2013
Riding the pillow
As you know, I am really busy these days playing with my toys, arranging cubes, circles, triangles and watching rhymes, practicing music. But I have learnt one more trick - Kicking the pillow.
I can pick up a pillow with both my hands and send it flying with my feet. One good shot and viola there it goes! It is fun. Now mom and dad cannot control me with walls of pillows. I can find my way out.
Dad tells me it is good that I am doing that - I mean kicking pillows. And says I will be a good wrestler/fighter and in life I should always look at hitting out at my obstacles and win. Once a fighter, always a fighter. I have to grow, get strong and win. But all that is later. As of now let me kick another pillow.
Stay happy and bright. Keep smiling. Love and peace.
Wednesday, 9 October 2013
Chi chi chikoo
Chik chik chikoo
Koo koo chikoo
That's what mom is singing and am eating now. Chickoo.
Tasting for the first time and it is yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm..
Thursday, 3 October 2013
Juice time
Look what I had . Musk melon juice. Musk melon is Mom's most favorite fruit.
Mom sang a beautiful song. Whenever she feeds me she sings as if she is that veggie or that fruit.
She sang that Muskmelon is also called Cantaloupe.It is rich in vitamin A and C. It contains no fat or cholesterol.
I liked it so much that I asked for one more glass of juice. Don't trust? look below.
Tasting the orange colored juice for the first time. Mom is curious to see my expression and to see if I liked it. Her fingers crossed.
Just finished. Wow!How relishing!
Mommy, one more glass of juice please.
Wednesday, 2 October 2013
Ear piercing
Dad and mom are inquiring for a painless ear piercing option for me in Bangalore. Do you know anyone where I can get my ears pierced painlessly?
Yes I am gearing up to wear all those nice danglers, studs and wonderful pearls and what not. Yes no you can go jealous.
Thursday, 26 September 2013
Mom told me that last Saturday Nandu fell down while trying to stand up. She hurt her head badly that she had to rush to hospital.A couple of stitches were done on the cut.
Mom likes Nandu because she is just 4 days younger to me and Durga aunty is mom's best friend.
They speak to each other everyday and discuss about us. What we ate... what not... what are we playing and much more.
I met Nandu when we were minus four months old :). We spoke to each other through telepathy :)
She is Sweet. Yesterday, I spoke to her again through telepathy and wished her a speedy recovery . She says she is absolutely fine but her parents are still worried. She is back to her trials of standing up.
See, we are coool... why are parents always worried for everything? I know the answer too :) Because they love us very much and we mean a world to them.
Wednesday, 25 September 2013
Ouch! I am hurt...
I was siting and playing with some stacks and wanted to lean on pillows my mom usually keep. They weren't there and I hit my head badly. Mom and Dad were shocked and their hearts skipped a beat. Mom came running from kitchen and dad immediately held me in his arms. I cried for few seconds but cheered up when mom sang itsy bitsy spider. Dad took me out for a walk to make me feel relaxed. I love them so much.
Please tell them that it's quite normal to fall while learning to crawl and walk. Parenting is a tough job I guess. Tell me about the first time you fell.
Tuesday, 24 September 2013
Monday, 23 September 2013

T-minic was finally prescribed by Doctor uncle. T-minic oral drops were so tasty with orange flavor. I wanted it in a glass but mom gave me just 8 drops with a dropper. I snatched the dropper from mom and had it till the last drop :). Just 8 drops two times and I am now back to normal :)
What do you use for your baby for runny nose? Aunty and Uncle, Mom is saying not to use any medicine without doctor's advise.
Sunday, 22 September 2013
Saturday, 21 September 2013
Totally awesome lunch
Mom and dad used to hang out at various places for lunch and dinner before my arrival. Even when I was in my mommy's tummy I had different delicious foods from different restaurants. But after my arrival they couldn't go anywhere.
Guess the gift
This is a special gift from dad because he bought it when I was in my mummy's tummy. That means, my first gift from dad.
When I saw this first, I was soooo happy that I got a huge chocolate.
guessed it? Wanna know if your guess is right? click here to know the answer :).
Friday, 20 September 2013
My best friends visit
She was my first friend. She is my friend from my 'womb' days. I heard her voice more than any others'. She took care of me very well. When dad was out of country and mom couldn't go any where it was Punitha aunty who helped mom and me. What ever I craved for she got me :).
I used to speak to her from mommy's tummy. She was there with mom and dad on my day of arrival to welcome me. Other than Dad and Ammamma she was the first one to hold me and kiss me ( of course after my doctor aunty Dr. Shantala).
I love Punitha aunty. She got married and went to a place far from our home. She can't visit me often but I still remember her and her voice. I couldn't attend her wedding and meet Bharath uncle because I was too young to travel then.
By the way, forgot to mention Punitha aunty was my mom's room mate at PGH who turned to be her best friend.
Ok, will tell more some other time again, let me play more with her now. Bye bye...
Wednesday, 18 September 2013
Vidya aunty's gift
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She says she will give me these choclates to taste only when I turn 10. Hey hey not 10 years but 10 months.She kept these chocloates unopened. I will have to wait for few more months :(. I think I will meet Vidya aunty before I could eat these chocolates she sent for me.
Aren't they looking yummy?
By the way, Mom is also a great cook. How do I know? She cooks for me everyday and they taste delicious :D.
Watching the Hive
I have a new friend: Buzz bee! Buzz bee is the central character
in the TV show - The Hive. I love the blue birds in the show too.
Currently watching The Hive. Come back later :)
Tuesday, 17 September 2013
Experimenting with spices
Do you give spices to your kids? Dad does! Now that is a secret(we have to keep from mom).
I loved the hot and clear chicken soup which I tried when I was four months! I am super happy with fish, chicken, mutton , spicy vegetables fries and curries. Of course they are toned down for me but I love nibbling small bits before searching for water.
I am brave(dad say's so) and I don't cry at all and make a fuss when I taste something different. I love experimenting with spices. I am yet to grow up and have the McSpicy and other snacks at MCD or KFC but till then I will try and taste what Dad gives me when mom isn't watching.
I guess I will be easy to cook for :)
Thursday, 12 September 2013
Life is but a dream
Here is the link for your to learn :) Good nite!
Sunday, 8 September 2013
Worshiping with Arlene
Tuesday, 3 September 2013
Naki naki
I love advertisements. You know that bu now I guess. I am especially in love with some of the wonderful tunes! Naki naki is one of them and here is the video for you to watch. Mom sings this for me and I break in to giggles and squeals of laughter :)
Sunday, 1 September 2013
Praise the Lord!
I am a super fast learner! I can say Praise the Lord with folded hands :)
Mom taught me so many things like saying 'Hello!', 'Bye', 'No' with my hands :)
Very soon I am going to talk and say all these :)
Dad's Birthday
At 11:30pm on August 30th mom was sad because I was sleeping. She wanted me to wish dad and be there with dad during cake cutting at 12 in the night but I slept early.
Dad said he will cut the cake in the morning when I am awake. Mom was sad.
I slept till 11:58 pm ( I was actually acting Shhh... secret )
I got up at 11:58 and mom was very happy. I cut the cake along with dad and then came the surprise part. I gave him a special and surprise gift. It was completely a surprise for dad which me and mom planned and he loved it very much.
Yes, that's a surprise for you as well... I will let you know very soon what gift did I present dad that night :)
Friday, 30 August 2013
Happy birthday daddy
Celebrating dad's birthday. Lemme finish celebration to update more details. See ya
Tuesday, 27 August 2013
Daddy and Me
Once I put him to sleep comes Mommy's time :)
Sunday, 25 August 2013
Tuesday, 20 August 2013
Helloooo... Let's shake hands
I am practicing celebrity hand shake.
Let's shake hands*
*conditions apply. Only if I like you :D
Sunday, 18 August 2013
Good morning
Good morning everyone. It is good to comb our hair when we wake up in the morning. Here I am combing my beautiful hair with a baby hair brush. It's easy and doesn't really need mammas help. Oh! I am looking gorgeous :)
Saturday, 17 August 2013
Sing with me. I'm loving it
...and eyes and ears and mouth and nose.
Head, shoulders, knees and toes... knees and toes.
Thursday, 15 August 2013
Proud to be an Indian

To celebrate, mom came up with an awesome dress for me to show off and grandma improvised the design. Here is the super cute dress I got to wear today. The little stain is from the awesome fish I had :)
I wish I could write more but dad has fever. Okay off I go, have to take care of Dad.
Happy Independence day to you all.
Sunday, 11 August 2013
Monday, 5 August 2013
Everybody loves Ronald
Dad told me that uncle Ronald love kids a lot and every kid would love to take a picture with him.
Uncle Ronald invited me for lunch but I said sorry and promised him that I would visit again soon.
I am still small to eat and mom can't eat ( wonder why? will let you know soon. Dad doesn't like to eat alone).
I am waiting to go to MCD and have a burger meal. Heard they give toys there :).
Sunday, 4 August 2013
Saturday, 3 August 2013
Mom and her new job
First we went to a small roadside tea shop where mom had her favourite Tea. She told me that she used to have tea there every day during her working days. I saw her office which is very near to the tea stall. She used to work there before my arrival.
Now she works for me full time :). 365 days and 24x7.Oh! I pay her well. So many smiles,kisses and hugs all through the day. Mom says she is super happy with her new job and will stay in this job forever.
Amma, I promise! I will always keep you happy :). Love you so much.Mmmmuaahhh.
Friday, 2 August 2013
Hello, I'm back.
How are you all? Missing me on my blog? It's been a long time that I had updated my activities. I had fever and cold last week and then some issues with Internet. Now everything is fine and am back to blogging.
Thanks for visiting. Lot more to share with you soon.
Saturday, 27 July 2013
Wednesday, 24 July 2013
Mirror mirror magic mirror

You know, I have a magic mirror.
Every time I look in the mirror, I see a cute and gorgeous baby with my mom.
She mimics everything I do.
If I smile she smiles. If I look at her angrily she does the same. If I cry she cries too.
Mommy Always laughs.
Magic Magic. I do not understand what's going on.
I don't like my mom being with her, kissing her and laughing. I get Jealous. Mom is all mine.
image source :
You can reach me on facebook here:
Monday, 22 July 2013
Food time
Here is a photo of my silver bowl. Do you know any good recipes?
Sunday, 21 July 2013
Just beat it, beat it, beat it, beat it
Look, what I have got.
My first jazz drums and Maracas.
I am busy beating them.
This is not MJ singing but AJ beating the drums.
Hey hey... come on, join me
Just beat it, beat it, beat it, beat it...
Just beat it, beat it, beat it, beat it...
Just beat it, beat it, beat it, beat it...
Just beat it, beat it, beat it, beat it...
Wednesday, 17 July 2013
Tuesday, 16 July 2013
He's still working on me
Monday, 15 July 2013
Mom and me theme song
Mom has an awesome sense of humor. She can compose funny songs just at a snap. Few months back I was in an irritated mood and she started singing a song with what ever the words came out of her mind.
Now that's my favourite song and we call it our ( Mom and me) theme song. It's so funny with all our future plans and hangouts. There is a short theme song for dad and me also. Dad laughs saying that his song is all about getting chocolates, ice creams, biscuits, juice etc., and Mom's song is all about going here and there, shopping and eating.
Dad recorded this while mom sang this song for me. He likes it too. It's in Telugu. If you can read it, here you go. Dad, please help with translation for all my non telugu readers.

Best best friends anta
Mummy Aaru friends anta
Best best friends anta
Aadu kuntaaranta
Paadu kuntaaranta
Allari chestaartanta
Chaduvu kuntaaranta ||Mummy Aaru ||
Central keltaaranta - Shopping chestaaranta
Total keltaaranta - Toys kontaranta
Forum keltaaranta - Frocks kontaranta
Meenakshi keltaaranta - Mitaayilu tintaaranta ||Mummy Aaru ||
MCD keltaaranta - Burger tintaaranta
CCD keltaaranta - Cappuccino taagutaaranta
KFC keltaaranta - Chicken tintaaranta
Barista keltaaranta - Breakfast chestaaranta ||Mummy Aaru ||
Park keltaaranta - Walk chestaaranta
Road meeedanemo - Cycling chestaaranta
Market keltaaranta - Veggies Kontaaranta
Church keltaaranta - Worship chestaaranta ||Mummy Aaru ||
Nanamma prayed for me on phone and thanked God for blessing me.
I wore a new dress and was looking very cute. Dad and mom took me for a photo shoot at the near by park. Joggers were looking at me with admiration. Few aunties came and hugged me and kissed me. I was generous in giving smiles and hugs to all ladies because they looked like my ammamma and naannamma whom I love the most.
Thursday, 11 July 2013
Night out
Dad and mom sing songs for me, play games. You already know my favorite is peek-a-boo and I tap talam when they sing for me. Mom thinks I will be a musician and dad thinks I should be whatever I want to be. Well it is going to be tough but I think I will get along well. But as of now, I got to kick dad out of his sleep :) and I have to do that without making noise as Mom is still sleeping.
Wednesday, 10 July 2013
In love with Ellyvan
Jungle Junction on Disney Junior is aired at 8:30 am and 4:30 pm every day. I watch it regularly.
Dad was flipping through the channels that is when Ellyvan appeared on the screen and it was a love at first sight for all three of us. Dad, Mom and Me.
Mom and Dad allow me to watch it though they are against me watching TV at this age.
Want to know why I love it?
- The colours are pleasing
- The voices are clear and not funny
- Back ground music or sounds are minimal and are not disturbing
- There is moral in every episode
- Lot more to learn
Mom and Dad tried their best to find an Ellyvan toy online but it is not availble in India. Can you help me find a store in Bangalore or any Indian online store where I can purchase Ellyvan from?
Not only Jungle Junction but I want to watch more on TV. Dad and Mom are you listening ? Whoa!Whoa! Mom, don't be angry on dad for showing it to me I was just kidding :D :D :D (giggles...giggles).
Love you both. Love Ellyvan more :)
Happy Singh
I love to play with it. It always made me happy. It has got a turban on it's head that is why mom named it Singh.I have hundreds of pictures with Happy Singh because I never leave this toy even while sleeping.
It moves it's neck up and down , side to side when mom sings " Happy Singh- Happy Singh-Happy Singh" in the tune of "Singh is king- Singh is king-Singh is king":).
Tuesday, 9 July 2013
Thank you Lord!
There is no reason why I shouldn't be not thanking God. Thank you dear Lord. Today I will sing with joy and praise you with all the archangels. Lord! You have been wonderful :)
Monday, 8 July 2013
1 am
For now let me try and sleep at least for my mom's sake. She had a long and tiring day. She is looking very tired. Good night.
Monday, 1 July 2013
Wednesday, 26 June 2013
Father's day
Dad's day. You know what me and mom did on father's day to make my dad happy?
1. Mom made delicious andhra special gongura mutton curry. After all, the way to a man's heart is through his stomach :)
2. I gifted him dad's favorite perfume. He has been searching it for last few months but to no avail. I know what you guys are thinking. Oh!common, I have a kiddy bank. Mom and dad are saving my future pocket money in that.Mom took some money from that out and purchased the perfume.
When I grow up I will plan more and more surprises for dad because he is the greatest dad on the earth. Love you daddy. Mmmuahhh :)
Saturday, 22 June 2013
I seriously miss dad. Dad is busy with work these days. Too busy. I miss him big time. Mom tries to compensate by playing, singing but I miss him.
Dad leaves early, comes home late and plays with me for a little while before he falls asleep. He didn't take off in the last one month!
Today was a good day. We were together for the Sunday worship and I sat on Dad's lap worshipping in the songs and message. Thank you Lord!
Mom's complaint
Mom complains that I roll over and try to crawl only when dad is with me :) Yes, I do that.
Mom spends her whole day with me and she is very caring and protective. She gets worried with every movement of mine :). With her I always behave like a good girl. I never trouble her.
Dad allows me to do all my acrobatics. Do you know that he gave me a shower bath when I was just 3 months old?. Mom feels relaxed when he is at home handling me. She spends sometime watching TV and making some nice food while I play and fight with dad.
I rollover, kick, razz, scream, yell, sing, hit dad, scratch his cheeks. He never minds and allows me to be myself.
Mamma, now you know the reason? You will have a tough time when I start walking :). Till then just chill. Love you ma.