The Little Tigress

The Little Tigress

Thursday 19 June 2014

My little artist - A page from Mamma's diary

A page from mamma's diary (March 21st, 2014)

I was busy eating Bourbon at 3am yesterday, updating Facebook status and checking timelines of friends. I did not realize that my little artist was busy at work. She stood at a wall which is her favorite place to stand and practice walking. This time, she was practicing something else.

When I went and saw, I was all smiles. I gave her a tight hug and kissed. Finally, my dream has come true. The walls of my house got that much awaited look. Sadly, her favorite orange crayons were out of her reach. This is the first time she used any color other than her favorite Orange.

From then, she worked on step stools, cup boards, under the table, floor tiles, bed spreads, toys, the list goes on. All in one day. All these lines look BEAUTIFUL to me. 

The best thing we bought her in last few months is undoubtedly a box of CRAYONS. 

I remember the following famous quote by Picasso and I promise to put my best efforts to keep her remain an artist.

"Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up". – Pablo Picasso (Spanish cubist painter, 1881-1973)

PS: I don't think I can spare any marks on walls except this cute art 

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