The Little Tigress

The Little Tigress

Tuesday 4 February 2014

Tissue Tissue.. don't make an issue

I played with so many tissue papers and boxes.

Mom generously gives me tissue boxes to play with. I pull each tissue paper slowly with my fingers and throw.
Initially, I tried tasting them but they weren't tasting good. Now I only tear them to bits and pieces and the floor or the bed completely looks white. 

Sometimes when Dad expresses his dislike for what I do, Mom says, Oh! common, It's just a Tissue... please don't make an issue. Then they both laugh-out  together :-D. 

She says this act of mine help me develop my pincer grasp and sensory skills. While cleaning the floor she also sings the song

" Bits of Paper, Bits of Paper,
Lying on the floor, Lying on the floor,
Make the place untidy, Make the place untidy,
Pick them up, Pick them up".

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