The Little Tigress

The Little Tigress

Tuesday 15 July 2014

Kicking cold, the Tigress way

I am down with cold for the last two days and am running high fever. That doesn't mean I am moaning or nagging mommy and daddy to care for me. I am a grown up girl and have amazing patience and perseverance in handling problems. Dad says he is proud of me and mom says I am very brave and strong.

Now you know that mom and dad don't medicate me often and let the illness stay and let my body fight on its own. As my fever didn't come down in two days dad decided to give me some 1 ml of Calpol to bring the temperature down and some T-minic to stop the nose irritation. With some nice oil massage and hot water bath my fever was brought under control. I was too weak to play or go running around which I love to do.

Nanamma called and prayed for me and applied oil and I am fine by God's grace.

When dad used to come down with fever nanamma used to give him mutton stock or hot chicken soup and dad tried that on me when I was about eight months old and it worked! Since then you know what my favourite medicine is!

Some hot mutton stock mom prepared along with some hugging and keeping me warm brought me right back up. I am back to playing with ally toys which I missed in the last two days and as dad types this for me I am playing and singing rhymes with mom.

Thank you all for your love, affection and prayers. Peace and the Lord's blessing be with you and your family.

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